How to Add a Logo to a Request Email and Feedback Page

by | Mar 2, 2023 | Request Modes

Add a company logo to your feedback and review request email and landing page.

Example Feedback Request Email with logo. 

Example Feedback Landing page with logo.

  1. Log in to your Avey Reviews account.
  2. If you have multiple locations, select the location you would like to add a logo to the request email for from the Business Dashboard.
  3. From the menu, go to Settings > Brand & Colors and click Choose Image.

The maximum image file size is 2MB. We will scale your image for you. However for best results we recommend re-sizing the image before uploading. The max width is 260px. The following formats are supported: PNG, JPEG, and GIF.

4. Click Select a .jpg or .png file to import.

5. Find and Open your image.

6. Click Import Image.

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